Higher way
What if there's a higher way of living, a level of living where you believe in the power of heaven, timeless, true, godscend, a power of living that rivals the living of the prophets?
Happiness comes from the mind, whatever happens around us, our lifestyles, our issues, our problems, our pleasures, all affect the one thing that makes us happy, our mind. But if you go to the higher source in your mind, on Earth, what if you could evolve your mind to a level where you could be still on hell on earth but you are.... happy.
Timeless thoughts, can also be achieved, if one can rise above all built in feelings and beliefs that were attached to you during your upbringing.
Do an experiment. Look at an object, any object, now think about it, what it is, its name. Now train your mind to go back, go back to the source.... forget what you have know about that object, forget its name, but just see it for what it is, without any known knowledge.
This may take only a split second! But its where you rise above Illusion and existence, where you rise about the timely influence of your life. Where you begin to rise your head above the water level, to the air above, to the fresh air, where you can begin to pass judgment properly, and fully.
For instance, yesterday I did this with the notion of the "Security Council", and it hit me.... its not the be it or end all... I realised it is not a "World Council", something all inclusive, looking at all things evil. Same can be done to why an apple is an apple, and how did god create it? I do it with plums, when I ate a plum yesterday, I pondered for a second why and how life evolved to give me this tasty fruit with such a small pip inside.
Your mind
Appreciate existence and life and know that timely things influence the timeless, know that we are caught in a whirlwind of existence which is life, and that in turn influences our lifestyles.
Lifestyles are a creation of our own decisions, our environments conditions, the country and city and family our soul entered existence.
But it will take a way of living for people to rise about all this. Only through knowledge and understanding can someone get their head to rise about the water into the fresh air above.
Pressures are everywhere, and come with life. It is in the mind, but you can be tested. And you will be tested in your lives... but just remember, YOU CAN RISE ABOVE all pressures, as it IS ALL IN YOUR HEAD.
Wars are started, famine allowed to persist, rape and genocide allowed to go on not because of pressures on the world, but because of how these pressures affect the mind.
Pressures are a part of life, but then you just need to shield your beautiful minds from the affects of pressures and thats the hardest thing.
When you couple this with a timeless mind, the world begins to open up to your understanding of it.