Wednesday, April 11, 2007


You either have spiritual tendencies or you don't.

If you don't you still have 80+% chance of believing in God, which is statistically proven.

If you believe in God, you feel there is a force high above, a force that created this universe.

You could be labeled by others as religious, greeny, hippy, yuppy, hobo, or any one of the plethora of social labels out there.

You could believe in the metaphysical, yet laughed at by those that work in the corporate world.

You could believe in ghosts yet mocked by people that listen to hip hop.

That's life.

But what if there was a knowledge source out there that reconciled all differences and disparities between all types and groups of people, uniting non and religious, etc.

A source of knowledge that could reconcile it all....

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