Monday, November 5, 2007

Why do we do evil things?

The emotional conditioning of a persons mind, to be able to commit such evil, by not seeing the moralistic side of it... in the name of race, superiority, fighting their own self perceived evils against them etc.... fighting for their own happiness.

When someone commits acts (good or bad) in the name of their (or their race, people etc) for the sake of happiness (either having great or just a little influence).... this will help their emotional conditioning to bypass all sense of morality.... in worst instances leading to hell on earth, for a person or a people.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

A world beyond Hitler

Can we live in a world where acts against People can go beyond what Hitler can even imagine?

Yes... we are....

'Women are gang raped, often in front of their families and communities. In numerous cases, male relatives are forced at gun point to rape their own daughters, mothers or sisters,' she said.

After rape, many women were shot or stabbed in the genital area, and survivors told Ms Erturk that while held as slaves by the gangs they had been forced to eat excrement or the flesh of their murdered relatives.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

You can help Save the World

Do you know that since the year 2000 started, this world is moving ever closely to World War Three. It was mentioned by a world leader for the very first time, in late October 2007, by none other than George Bush.

In our Generation we have the ever real...
The threat of nuclear Armageddon, because of the slow polarisation and potential disintergration of international relations.
The threat of a global flu pandemic to wipe out a percentage of the human race.
Climate change affecting the human race's very survival on the environment.
And the pest of terrorism scaring the masses.

Yet there is hope, the UN is growing, human rights are at its peak in humanity, as a collective. For the first time in humanity, we are growing to learn, there is a world and unified force, at the high level, and grass roots... to save the world.

Oceans Rise...
Nations live in fear of impending destruction....
Species Die...
Old Languages Die out...
Oceans die...
Climate Changes...
Resources wasted...
Babies sleep naked on the path...
The rich wage war...
The poor die in the masses....
Misunderstandings prevail evil...
Dictators stamp down....

The question is, will you continue watching movies, speak gossip, goto parties, over indulge in the rich life, and be a victim of all the potential disasters....

or will you ready yourself through knowledge, wisdom and action, to....

Invent things... how to recycle, use less resources
Construct.... houses for the shelter-less
Volunteer for.... improving happiness in others
Educate yourself... what do you know of the Mitochondrial Eve.
Enlighten your mind.... how did the naked ape spread?
Spread the news... about it all...



Wednesday, April 18, 2007

How Bad is Sad

When one becomes alone, and out casted, hatred for others who are happy may grow.

This hatred and loneliness may allow evil to manifest inside that person.

Which could eventually lead to unspeakable acts against innocence.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Mysterious Quotes

I was in a state of halfsleep today, when two quotes popped into my head:

"For you to hear everything, you have to hear the beauty of it."

"For you to see everything, you have to see the beauty of it."

Is anyone out there?

Please check out :

Put great new music with great footage of stranger kindness, and you get something to shake your foundations.

Feel humanity....

Friday, April 13, 2007

We the Peoples

We are experiencing the adolescence of humanity coming to grips with itself. Civilisations will clash because they are meant to. There is no other way. Our minds still think racially, culturally, ethnically etc. Differences of religion, race and culture limit the mind's interaction amongst peoples. Artificial borders limit the physical interaction among peoples.

The problem right now, for the average person, it is hard for one person to look at another person without seeing their skin, race or religion. This is the situation is because of restriction of movement, history, custimisation to their social, religious, ethnic upbringing. As such a "we are different to them" mentality will always limit complete peace between all peoples on Earth.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


You either have spiritual tendencies or you don't.

If you don't you still have 80+% chance of believing in God, which is statistically proven.

If you believe in God, you feel there is a force high above, a force that created this universe.

You could be labeled by others as religious, greeny, hippy, yuppy, hobo, or any one of the plethora of social labels out there.

You could believe in the metaphysical, yet laughed at by those that work in the corporate world.

You could believe in ghosts yet mocked by people that listen to hip hop.

That's life.

But what if there was a knowledge source out there that reconciled all differences and disparities between all types and groups of people, uniting non and religious, etc.

A source of knowledge that could reconcile it all....

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Fight for Life

Its easy to lose the sight of god, but through understanding what life is, where it came from we can learn how to rise up, we can learn to fight the evil, ignorance, untruth, and suffering.

There is a future out there, that we must fight for, a future created by God, that rises up the current time. And we must fight it all around us, fight the lack of mis-understanding, fighting selfishness and all evils.

But the way to do it is to first.......

Understand everything!

The use of power

"Those who have power and who do not respect the rights of those people underneath them, are not worthy of possessing it and should be stripped of it."

Monday, April 9, 2007

Disparity and the Poor

Rich and Poor

The only way to change the minds of the rich is for them to appreciate their own existence, for them to realize how they got there, why they did, how it affects others.

World disparity widens every single day. So long as a child is born without any dollar or clothes, and the world sharemarket produces a brand new millionaire, disparity in its true raw form, is ever increasing.

But think about it, you'd rather have disparity, where one side evolves to richness unimaginable, and the other side with lesser wealth, than to have a both sides with lesser wealth.

The question is not of disparity but how the rich side of the disparity helps those on the lower side of the disparity.

Causality and Effect

Realize the richer people and the richer economies provides richness to the world economy that steams ahead.

The question is how you can trickle this world richness down to the poor. How can they get a share of the economy? For instance how can the rich pay taxes which can then help those in the slums? How can the richness of Nigeria's oil economy help Nigeria's poor? Through government action and through righteous widespread policies and mindset changes.

When we fail to focus on the proper solution and look at something else, we fail finding the solution to the problem. Yes India is poorer than the US. But that is comparing apples to oranges. First focus on how the bigger apples can help the smaller apples. In the future the oranges and apples will be fully integrated anyway, but that will take time.

The Poor really poor?

But who is really poor? Happiness is in the mind, so who is really better off? A person living is poverty, who is truly happy every day? Or the person who spends every day with a mind in turmoil, amassing enormous wealth. You decide....

Another note worth considering, is the fact of relativity. The poor has grown poorer because of relativity to a incredibly rich world, mainly in the West. But it's basically comparison. One should not compared the East and West, because they are totally different worlds. But one should see the suffering of those living in lower wealthy nations, and attempt to alleviate it.

Sunday, April 8, 2007


Existence and the current realm/dimension of our own presence is an illusion incomprehensible by humanity and all living creatures on Earth.

Everything we know is an illusion made and brought about by dark energy.

The keyboard in front of you is a construct of energies which has formed into something solid enough to be called matter.

The love and passion you share with someone is influenced by emotions and your current mindset at the time, which is all an illusion. You just have to change your mindset and/or emotional feelings to change your feelings.

Your upbringing, your social-economical status, and your mindset are all illusions.

So what is real? What is real is God.

God not in the sense that we hear today... but God in the sense of what's meant to be, and what is all powerful, the very fabric of life and existence.

God, Soul mates, the exact duplicate of souls, of life energies, unconditional love, and caring for your stranger, your neighbor, are all characteristics of things that break out this illusion.

For it is unconditional love, for your soul mate, for a stranger, for your mother, that begins to replicate God itself, and the very reason for life.

Because life is born to appreciate the existence of this world. Without life, this universe would be empty and pointless. Without illusion you do not have the basis for life. But getting past the illusion, you begin to see final divine reality.

The Future Flu

  • In 1889 the Russian flu killed 1 million people.
  • 30 years later the 1918 Spanish Flu killed 40 million.
  • 40 years later the Asian Flu killed around 1.5 million.
  • Then just 10 years later around 1 million people died.

NOW, 40 years later..... we have the new pandemic emerging. 10000% increase in total cases in the last 4 years. This flu is evolving, with its most strongest version splitting up and progressing around the world. It already has 7 of the 10 amino acids that was in the 1918 virus. 1 more amino acid evolution will mean it will stick to your lung and not just bird lungs.

It is a virus evolving just as monkeys evolved into men. It will evolve for its own life. Bird viruses change to adapt into humans through pigs. The virus is currently sitting in pigs in Asia. Every month new more countries are combating this flu.

It is almost certain that something may happen in the next 3-8 years, as one single evolution of that 1 amino acid in any part of the world will mean a human pandemic that will equate to the bird pandemic going on. We must be aware and protected, alarmed but not over excited. It may be inevitable.

The future way of living

Higher way

What if there's a higher way of living, a level of living where you believe in the power of heaven, timeless, true, godscend, a power of living that rivals the living of the prophets?

Happiness comes from the mind, whatever happens around us, our lifestyles, our issues, our problems, our pleasures, all affect the one thing that makes us happy, our mind. But if you go to the higher source in your mind, on Earth, what if you could evolve your mind to a level where you could be still on hell on earth but you are.... happy.


Timeless thoughts, can also be achieved, if one can rise above all built in feelings and beliefs that were attached to you during your upbringing.

Do an experiment. Look at an object, any object, now think about it, what it is, its name. Now train your mind to go back, go back to the source.... forget what you have know about that object, forget its name, but just see it for what it is, without any known knowledge.

This may take only a split second! But its where you rise above Illusion and existence, where you rise about the timely influence of your life. Where you begin to rise your head above the water level, to the air above, to the fresh air, where you can begin to pass judgment properly, and fully.

For instance, yesterday I did this with the notion of the "Security Council", and it hit me.... its not the be it or end all... I realised it is not a "World Council", something all inclusive, looking at all things evil. Same can be done to why an apple is an apple, and how did god create it? I do it with plums, when I ate a plum yesterday, I pondered for a second why and how life evolved to give me this tasty fruit with such a small pip inside.

Your mind

Appreciate existence and life and know that timely things influence the timeless, know that we are caught in a whirlwind of existence which is life, and that in turn influences our lifestyles.

Lifestyles are a creation of our own decisions, our environments conditions, the country and city and family our soul entered existence.

But it will take a way of living for people to rise about all this. Only through knowledge and understanding can someone get their head to rise about the water into the fresh air above.

Pressures are everywhere, and come with life. It is in the mind, but you can be tested. And you will be tested in your lives... but just remember, YOU CAN RISE ABOVE all pressures, as it IS ALL IN YOUR HEAD.

Wars are started, famine allowed to persist, rape and genocide allowed to go on not because of pressures on the world, but because of how these pressures affect the mind.

Pressures are a part of life, but then you just need to shield your beautiful minds from the affects of pressures and thats the hardest thing.

When you couple this with a timeless mind, the world begins to open up to your understanding of it.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

The Theory to Achieve World Peace

Why isn't there World Peace today?

Why can't a child write a PHD thesis?

It needs to grow first.

Read my site below......

Click to stop hunger - It's Free!


There is a site out there where you can click on a link, and provide just over a cup of food to the poor! So click here every day!

The Hunger Site


Earth's Current Suffering

The threat of global avian pandemic, persistent starvation, ongoing crop failure, fistula ruining the lives of women, gross human rights violations, gender-based violence, child slavery, child and women sexual exploitation and trafficking, diplomatic tensions between nations, the potential proliferation of nuclear weapons, the build up of tensions around the world between two distinct blocs of nations, the mass expenditure of military, old diseases ruining and destroying lives, new illnesses like AIDS ruining lives, the spread and increases of water shortages around the world, terrorism frightening the masses, fighting/tensions between religion and sects within religion, and now Earth, because of Climate Change caused by humans, is sending us a message.

Are we are failing the worth of our own existence?